4 Products Spiking in Sales! 🚀

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📈 Products on the Rise

Product #1 - Smelling Salts (+114%)

Wake Up Your Senses! Smelling salts are gaining popularity as a way to improve athletic performance and stay alert.

Smelling salts, also known as ammonia inhalants, are compounds that release ammonia gas.

Smelling salts have been traditionally used to revive someone who has fainted. The sharp odor of the gas when sniffed can cause an inhalation reflex, which increases alertness and wakefulness.

This video shows how extreme the reaction to sniffing smelling salts can be.

Why Are “Smelling Salts” Trending?

  • Performance Enhancement - Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are using smelling salts to boost their alertness and reaction time.

  • Social Media - The rise of fitness influencers and sports-focused content has brought this age-old stimulant back into the spotlight

  • Curiosity - By seeing the reaction and benefits that others are having from smelling salts, it causes new consumers to seek out the product for themselves.

#SmellingSalts has 455M views on TikTok

Who’s Doing It?

  • Atomic Rhino - This brand of smelling salts does $120k/mo on Amazon

  • Ward - These smelling salts named “Bottled Insanity” generates $80k/mo on Amazon

Product #2 - Evil Eye Bracelets (+1,150%)

Ward Off Negativity! With the rising popularity of symbolic and spiritual accessories, Evil Eye bracelets are becoming an increasingly demanded product.

Evil eye bracelets are a jewelry piece featuring the iconic blue eye symbol. The symbol is believed to ward off bad luck and negative energy.

They are becoming increasingly popular as both a stylish accessory and spiritual talisman.

Why Are “Evil Eye Bracelets” Trending?

  • Aesthetics - Beyond the symbolism, Evil Eye bracelets are also visually striking. The iconic blue eye design stands out, making it a trendy and attractive accessory.

  • Symbolic Fashion - Consumers are increasingly drawn to jewelry with meaning and symbolism.

  • Spirituality: As spiritual practices become more mainstream, people are turning to symbols like the Evil Eye as a form of spiritual expression.

Who’s Doing It?

  • Tarsus - These evil eye bracelets do $16k/mo on Amazon

Product #3 - Women’s Hygiene Product with Multiple 7-Figure Sellers

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📰 Industry Shift

I Pulled The Top 1,500 AI Google Searches, The Results Were Interesting..

With so much hype around AI, many talented developers are building products around the technology

Overnight, SAAS businesses are hitting huge revenue numbers.

These include tools like:

However, it can be tough to build a unique product that is in demand.

So I pulled the top 1,500 trending AI searches on Google and built a spreadsheet to display their growth.

Here are some highlights from the data:

  • AI Detectors have some of the highest search growth in the last 1-3 months.

  • AI Headshots continue to drive strong 3 month growth, but have declined in the past month.

  • AI Song/Music Generators are in high demand, with the top site SOUNDRAW receiving 1M+ website visitors a month.

  • Some of the biggest losers are searches for AI Website builders, AI logo creators, and AI Newsletters.

I posted the entire spreadsheet on Google Sheets so you can dig through the data!

🚨 Business Radar

Business #1 iMemories (+264%)

Digitize the Past! As the trend of digitizing old memories gains momentum, iMemories is becoming a go-to solution for many.

iMemories is a platform that specializes in converting old photos and videos into a digital format.

The company takes your old tapes, films, and photos, and turns them into a digital format that you can view, share, and keep forever.

Why Is “iMemories” Trending?

  • Preservation of Memories - As physical photos and tapes degrade over time, people are looking for ways to preserve these precious memories.

  • Digitization - As it becomes harder to find tape players, digitizing your old home videos is a must to continue enjoying them.

  • Gift Idea - iMemories makes for a perfect gift idea. It's thoughtful, personal, and unique.

iMemories’ revenue is estimated to be at ~$20M per year.

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